U toku je igra za mart mjesec, a domacica Pam je zadala sastojak - menta.
3 case svjezeg ili zamrznutog graska
3 zlicice svjeze iscedjenog soka od limuna
1 cen cesnjaka
1 casa lisca od mente
1 mladi luk
2 zlice maslinovog ulja
Tahini (neobavezan, ali namazu daje gustinu)
Sol i papar po zelji
1. U kljucalu vodu staviti grasak i kuhati 2-3 minute (ne vise!). Potom ih potopite u hladnu vodu da bi sprecili daljnje kuhanje. Stavite sa strane da se ohlade.
2. U blenderu razbiti cesnjak, dodati mu ostale sastojke i ohladjeni grasak.
3. Namaz koristiti po potrebi. U hermeticnoj posudi moze da stoji i do nedelju dana.
~~~~~~~~~~~ English translation ~~~~~~~~~~
Pea and mint spread

3 cup fresh or frozen peas
3 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 clove garlic
1 cup mint leaves
1 onion
2 tablespoons olive oil
Tahini (optional, but prayer gives density)
Salt and pepper to taste
1. In a boiling water put the peas and cook for 2-3 minutes (not longer than this!). Then soak them in cold water to restrain further cooking. Set aside to cool.
2. In a food processor blend the garlic and the rest of the ingredients. Add cooled peas last.
3. Use spread as needed. In a sealed container it can last up to a week.
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