(scroll down for English)
Jos jedan recept za jednostavne kuglice.
cca 100 g kestenja
1 solja fino mljevenih orasa
2 zlice kreme od datulja
1/2 solje suhih brusnica
2 zlice meda
2-3 zlice vode (po potrebi)
1. Svaki kesten zarezati nozem na pljosnatoj strani kestena. Kuhati 20-30 minuta ili peci isto toliko na 180 C (ja sam ih ispekla).
2. U blenderu sitno samljeti orase. Ostaviti sa strane.
3. Kad se kestenje prohladi ocistiti ih i samljeti u blenderu. Pomijesati samljeveno kestenje sa orasima pa dodati kremu, med i brusnice. Po potrebi dodati zlicu po zlicu vode, jer smjesa moze da bude pregusta
4. Od smjese raditi male loptice.
5. Drzati u frizideru minimum pola sata da se dobro stisnu.
~~~~~~~~~~ English version ~~~~~~~~~~
Chesnut balls
100 g chestnuts
1 cup ground walnuts
2 tbs date jam
1/2 cup dry cranberries
2 tbs honey
2-3 tbs water (as needed)
1. Make a 1/2 cm cut with knife into a flat part of the chestnut. Cook or bake (350 F) chestnuts for about 20-30 min. Leave them to cool and then peel the skin off.
3. In a food processor grind walnuts and put them aside.
4. When chestnuts are cooler blend them in a food processor. Add walnuts, jam, honey and cranberries. If necessary, put spoon or two of water because the batter may be too thick.
4. Make balls.
5. Keep in the fridge for at least half an hour to harden.

Odlične su ti kuglice
ReplyDeletekrasne kuglice, mogla bi ih isprobati, obično sve pojedemo ali nekako ću žrtvovati 100 gr za ove kuglice
ReplyDeletefine i nadasve brzo gotove.
ReplyDeleteJedan recept bolji od drugog. Bravo!