14 February 2014

Vinogradarska pogača | Vineyard loaf

(scroll down for English) 

U prva dva mjeseca ove godine u sklopu igre FBI rukavice istrazujemo Zeljkin blog Mamina jela. S obzirom da je danas Sveti Trifun, zastitnik vinogradara, ja sam u tom stilu izabrala i prikladnu pogacu. Ne znam da li ovu pogacu stvarno vinogradari nose sa sobom u berbu, ali ja znam da ja bi. Toliko je dobra! I ovo mi je ubjedljivo najfinija pogaca koju sam napravila u zadnje vrijeme.

3 solje integralnog brasna
1 pakovanje suhog kvasca
1 jaje (sobne temperature)
40 ml ulja
200 ml mlakog bademovog mlijeka
1 zlicica secera
1 zlicica morske soli

Dodatno ulja za premazivanje tijesta i 1 jaje za premazivanje pogace prije pecenja.

Ja sam sastojke prepolovila, pa sam radila manju pogacu, a kako nisam imala jogurt, tako sam povecala kolicinu mlijeka i ulja.

Detaljnu pripremu uz slike pogledajte kod Zeljke.

~~~~~~~~~~~ English ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Vineyard loaf

Today is Saint Tryphon, it is to be believed that  he is the protector of the vineyards and the winegrowers. In that name here is the vineyard loaf. Celebrate it with a glass of wine! 

3 cups whole wheat flour
1 package dry yeast
1 egg (room temperature)
40 ml oil
200 ml of warm almond milk
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon sea salt

In addition, the oil coating the dough and 1 egg for brushing the surface before baking.

Look at the step with pictures here.
1. In a small bowl put yeast with 100 ml warm milk and sugar and leave ten minutes for the yeast to start working.
2. In a big bowl
put flour, eggs, oil, salt and the rest of warm milk. Mix together and knead for about 5 minutes until you get a smooth and elastic dough.
3. Coat the dough with some oil, cover with clean towel and leave to rest in a warm place for about an hour.
4. Knead the dough on a floured surface, divide into 3 parts, two bigger ones and one smaller. The small one you'll put in the middle of the baking mold. 5. One of the bigger one roll out into a rectangle. Cut out into 5 strips 2-3 fingers wide. Coat with oil and roll into twist. Space them evenly around the middle round dough.
6. The second bigger part roll out into a circle. Cut 6 triangles and at the pointed end cut with knife into stripes. Start rolling each piece from the wide end. Place them in between the empty space in the mold.
7. From the leftovers that you got after cutting the rectangle dough make small ball shapes and place them around the dough.
8. For the grape-looking shape mix 1/4 of the flour with some water and make the grape. Place it on the top of the middle dough.
9. Cover with clean towel and leave to rise for about one hour.
10. Preheat an oven to 350 F, coat with beaten egg and bake for 30-35 minutes.



  1. Zeljka je majstor za testa. I ja sam isprobala jednu pogacu sa njenog bloga... Bas je bila fina. Ova je posebno lepa!

    1. imam jos par njenih recepata za pogacice spremljenih da se isprobaju.. kazem ti, recept je jedan od boljih koje sam isprobala u posljednje vrijeme =)))

  2. Ne znam hocu li stici da ucestvujem u igrici, ali ovu pogacu cu morati da isprobam. Fenomenalno si je napravila!

  3. Super ti je pogača i srećan praznik!!

  4. Svaka čast! Predivno izgleda, baš baš profi! ;)

  5. Super si je ukrasila, a sigurna sam da je fina

    1. Ingrid, pogaca je jedna od najukusnijih koje sam nedavno pravila =)

  6. Ojme Jovanče, predivna je!
