17 June 2013

Humus sa ciklom | Hummus with beets

(scroll down for English)

1,5 solja suhih leblebija
1 limun
1 zlica tahinija
Morska sol
2 manje cikle/cvekle
(Vodu u kojoj se leblebije uhaju sacuvati)

1. Dan prije suhe leblebije potopiti u vodi preko noci. Drugi dan ih isprati i kuhati dok ne omeksaju.
2. Ciklu oprati, oguliti i skuhati u drugoj zdjelici.
3. Kad se leblebije prohlade samljeti ih u procesoru, dodati skuhanu ciklu, sok od limuna, tahini, sol i vode u kojoj su se kuhale leblebije po potrebi.

~~~~~~~~~~~ English version ~~~~~~~~~~~

Hummus with beets

1 1/2 cup dry chick peas
1 lemon
1 tbsp tahini paste
Sea salt
2 smaller beets
Save the water in which chick peas is cooked)

1. Soak chick peas in water over night. The next day rinse them and cook until soft.
2. Wash and peel beets and cook beets in another pan.
3. In a food processor blend chick peas and beets. Add the rest of the ingredients and water as needed.



  1. Moracu da probam ovaj recept. Specijalno zato sto sada jedem humus u nenormalnim kolicinama :)

  2. Obavezno za probati. Baš mi super zvuči! :)
