Malo priznanje:
Potpuno sam ispala iz svakodnevnog kolosijeka i zapostavila blog. Svašta se nešto dešavalo lokalno, prezujila sam doslovce preko Balkana i sad sam odmah ušla u predsezonsko ludilo na poslu. Ali više o tome svemu nekom drugom prilikom. Srećom imam kečeve u rukavu koji su uvijek spremni za objavu, čak i onda kad se ne bavim previše kuhinjom.
Moram nešto da vam priznam, ove pite sam prvi put napravila pred
Ovo je jedan od onih odokativnih recepata. Gledala sam brdo recepata i čitala proces izrade, a onda sam zaključila da ti za ove pita baš i ne treba neka mjera i da možeš smućkati šta hoćeš i koliko hoćeš! Mogu vam samo reći da budevaru neću tako skoro raditi, jer su mi ruke otpale dok sam je izribala. Ako imate neku caku kako se to lakše radi, slobodno je podjelite samnom.
Sastojci za sirnicu:
Paket gotovih kora
2 jaja
2 šolje nekog sira, ja sam koristila neki ruski koji je nešto između svježeg i fete
1 žlica vrhnje
Za zeljanicu
neki zeleniš, ja sam koristila blitvu, ali može i špinat ili kelj, onako odokativno, jedan svežanj
Za budevaru:
Ribana bundeva (oko 2 šolje)
Za pitu sa jabukama (ili bilo kojim drugim voćem):
Jedno 7-8 izribanih jabuka
1. Kore izvaditi iz zamrzivača, ali ne pre rano jer se počnu brzo sušiti (bar ove moje). U ključalu vodu staviti blitvu na 5 minuta da se smekša. U međuvremenu umutiti jaja pa dodati sir i vrhnje. Ako radite sirnicu, onda vam je ovo glavna smjesa za punjenje. Uzeti prvu koru te je pošpricati sa malo ulja i vode. Premazati je čitavu pa staviti preko nje drugu koru, ponoviti postupak. Ja sam zaključila da su 4 kore sasvim dovoljne. Smjesom od sira premazati trećinu kore pa zaviti. Prebaciti na pleh.
2. Ako radite zeljanicu ili bundevaru, zeleniš ili ribanu bundevu pomiješati sa smjesom od sira. Ponoviti postupak sa korama.
3. Ako radite slatku pitu, preko svake namazane kore posuti malo šećera pa ponoviti postupak sa korama.
4. Kad su rolnice naslagane na pleh premazati ih smjesom od ulja i vode.
5. Peći u rerni na 180 C jedno 25 minuta.
6. Ako ne volite hrskave kore (kao ni ja) onda ih prekrijte čistom krpom čim ih izvadite iz rerne. Ako više volite hrskave onda ih nemojte pokrivati. Po želji slatke možete posuti šećerom u prahu.
~~~~~~~~~~~ English ~~~~~~~~~~~
Filo pies
Ingredients for cheese pie:
Pack of filo dough
2 eggs
2 cups a ricotta cheese (I used Russian type of cheese, a mixture between ricotta and feta)
1 tablespoon sour cream
For spinach pie:A bundle of any type of greens, I used Swiss chard but spinach or kale can work as well
For squash pie:About 2 cups of grated butternut squash
For apple pie (or any other fruit):7-8 peeled and grated apples and/or 2 cups of berries
1. Remove the filo dough from the fridge but not too early because they will quickly dry out (at least mine did).
Pack of filo dough
2 eggs
2 cups a ricotta cheese (I used Russian type of cheese, a mixture between ricotta and feta)
1 tablespoon sour cream
For spinach pie:A bundle of any type of greens, I used Swiss chard but spinach or kale can work as well
For squash pie:About 2 cups of grated butternut squash
For apple pie (or any other fruit):7-8 peeled and grated apples and/or 2 cups of berries
1. Remove the filo dough from the fridge but not too early because they will quickly dry out (at least mine did).
2. In a boiling water, put the cut chard for 5 minutes to soften. Meanwhile, whisk the eggs and add the cream and cheese. If you're making the cheese pie this is going to be your filing.
3. Take the first filo sheet and spray it with a 1-2 teaspoons of oil and water mixture. Coat the whole sheet and put another sheet over it, repeat the procedure. I think 4 filo sheets are quite sufficient. On the last sheet put the cheese filling and wrap it up. Transfer it on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
4. If you're making spinach or pumpkin pie, add the greens or pumpkin into the original cheese mixture. Repeat the process as in step 3.
5. If you are making sweet pie, over each sheet of filo sprayed with oil+water sprinkle about 1-2 teaspoons of brown sugar and repeat the process with all of the sheets.
6. When your done, sprinkle the surface of the wraps with a mixture of oil and water.
7. Bake in an oven at 350F for about 25 minutes.
8. If you don't like crispy crust (like me), cover the pies with a clean cloth right after yo take it out from the oven. If you prefer crispy then leave them uncovered. You can sprinkle the sweet ones with powdered sugar.
4. If you're making spinach or pumpkin pie, add the greens or pumpkin into the original cheese mixture. Repeat the process as in step 3.
5. If you are making sweet pie, over each sheet of filo sprayed with oil+water sprinkle about 1-2 teaspoons of brown sugar and repeat the process with all of the sheets.
6. When your done, sprinkle the surface of the wraps with a mixture of oil and water.
7. Bake in an oven at 350F for about 25 minutes.
8. If you don't like crispy crust (like me), cover the pies with a clean cloth right after yo take it out from the oven. If you prefer crispy then leave them uncovered. You can sprinkle the sweet ones with powdered sugar.

Bundevara mi je najdraža, mada u nju dodam još i kiselo vrhnje, a i po vrhu zalijem sa vrhnjem :D
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