Sve nekako hoću da ponovo započnem sa pisanjem bloga, pa nikako. Da se previše ne trudim o tome zašto me nije bilo, evo za početak jedan stari recept, koji stoji neobjavljen još od pretprošle godine. A šteta bi bilo ne objaviti ga, jer je stvarno fantastičan.
Odmah napomena: ovo je bomba od šećera!
Oni koji ne mogu podnjeti veliku dozu šećera, molim produžite dalje..
Slatkiš je nešto teži od svih na koje sam inače navikla, ali idealan je uz šolju kave ili čaja tokom kišnih dana! Recept sam našla na blogu torta, pinjur, pjat i odmah sam znala da će se naći na mojoj oproštajnoj trpezi. Tviksićem, kako smo ga mi od milja prozvali, je završila moja kratka, ali slatka avantura po Balkanu u aprilu. Recept se također podvrgnuo malim izmjenama (najviše što se tiče karamele), ali je krajnji rezultat dobio sve pozitivne ocjene. To je bio slatkiš kojim se završilo porodično-prijateljsko okupljanje prije mog povratka preko bare. Moram reći da mi ovo "kad se nagnete nad zdjelu u kojoj topite šećer- ako vas pare "grizu za oči" tj tjeraju suze- karamel je spreman!" nije baš bilo od pomoći, jer s obzirom da karamel nisam nikad radila detaljniji opis metode rada bi mi bio puno značajniji. Kad si početnik u nečem onda preskočeni detalji obično nisu od pomoći (a i početnici znaju koliko je karamel zeznut). No srećom ima slastičara u porodici pa smo karamel napravili na neki drugi način. U svakom slučaju slatkiš je famozan, i iako težak i veoma zasitan svi su bili oduševljeni. Recept možete naći kod Julije na blogu, ja ga ovdje neću ispisivati jer nisam lično radila karamel. Znam samo ako ga ikad budem radila ponovo, podlogu od brownia ću napraviti sa pravom čokoladom, a ne sa kakaom jer se biskvitna podloga odvajala od gornjeg sloja karamela, sira i čokolade, koji su bili puno teži nego sam biskvit.
~~~~~~~~~~~ English version ~~~~~~~~~~~
Twix brownie

Recipe adopted from torta, pinjur, pjat blog

Recipe adopted from torta, pinjur, pjat blog
Ingredients for the base:
155g butter
220 g sugar
3 eggs
a pinch of salt
50g cocoa powder
140 g flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
155g butter
220 g sugar
3 eggs
a pinch of salt
50g cocoa powder
140 g flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1. Preheat oven to 175°C.
2. With an electric mixer, mix the butter and sugar and add the eggs one by one until everything is blended together. Mix flour, cocoa powder, salt, and baking powder in a separate bowl, then add the liquid ingredients. Mix well and pour into oiled mold or cover with baking paper.
3. Bake for 25-30 minutes, depending on your own. Check with a toothpick if it's ready--if it comes out clean, it's ready. Allow to cool before removing from the mold.
2. With an electric mixer, mix the butter and sugar and add the eggs one by one until everything is blended together. Mix flour, cocoa powder, salt, and baking powder in a separate bowl, then add the liquid ingredients. Mix well and pour into oiled mold or cover with baking paper.
3. Bake for 25-30 minutes, depending on your own. Check with a toothpick if it's ready--if it comes out clean, it's ready. Allow to cool before removing from the mold.
Ingredients for the cheese layer:
300 g Graham biscuits (some neutral, a bit harder)
150 g butter
125 g Philadelphia cream cheese
Preparation of a cheese layer:
1. Grind the biscuits in a food processor then add melted butter and cream cheese and mix to combine.
2. Spread the mixture on the top of the chocolate biscuit. Make sure the surface is even.
300 g Graham biscuits (some neutral, a bit harder)
150 g butter
125 g Philadelphia cream cheese
Preparation of a cheese layer:
1. Grind the biscuits in a food processor then add melted butter and cream cheese and mix to combine.
2. Spread the mixture on the top of the chocolate biscuit. Make sure the surface is even.
Ingredients for the caramel:
500 g brown sugar
2 dl water
250 g cream
125 g butter
500 g brown sugar
2 dl water
250 g cream
125 g butter
Preparing the caramel:
1. Place the sugar and water in a wider bowl, cover and put everything on low heat until it boils. When it boils, remove the lid and let some water evaporate. Every now and then lift the bowl and tilt it so the sugar wraps around the sides of the bowl and crystals form, try not to mix it with a spoon. Add the cream carefully and slowly.
2. Pour the caramel over the cheese layer and leave in the fridge until you make chocolate ganache.
2. Pour the caramel over the cheese layer and leave in the fridge until you make chocolate ganache.
Ingredients for chocolate glaze:
250 g of 70% dark chocolate (I used Lindt)
250 g cream
Prepare the glaze:
1. Melt the chocolate over hot steam and add the cream which should be room temperature.
2. Stir until all chocolate is melted.
3. Pour over the caramel and leave the whole cake in the fridge overnight.
250 g of 70% dark chocolate (I used Lindt)
250 g cream
Prepare the glaze:
1. Melt the chocolate over hot steam and add the cream which should be room temperature.
2. Stir until all chocolate is melted.
3. Pour over the caramel and leave the whole cake in the fridge overnight.
Hvala :)